Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve's wishes, rants and raving 241210

I suppose to wrap those presents and do my revision for next monday midterm test. *ya, keep midterm-ing for the whole sem like that* =.=" i also dunno why. Can't wait to blog first because i wan the tittle to be Christmas Eve. =) going to have Jingle BBQ Party tonight and countdown as well *meet chu at Portugues Settlement* p/s: don't spray me, or else i kick your balls! >.<" nah~ it's X'mas! okay, spray me but not the eyes =.=" *sound so stupid* 

Last year me, Yorath, and friends countdowned at Bukit Bintang. End up i turned into a snowman  snowgirl. It's holly lotsa lotsa lotsa people there and spraying the aerosol snow spray thingy on people. I get super angry when i got the first spray from donno which moron. He sprayed my whole beautiful face!!! but my friend got the worst one. Some one spray her mouth when she is laughing or shouting I'm not sure. *so pity, but i laughed at her >.<"* hahahaha!!!!! it's still so funny when i recalled back again. lol

But, this year i prefer much peaceful one where by sharing the ♥♥ with friends and family. If you are going to Bukit Bintang for the Chirstmas countdown, please beware of pickpoketing idiots! I had saw a lot of cases happened on that night. People accidentally dropped their handphone on the floor, when he is upon to squad down and pick up his handphone, there goes "bling!" It's  gone.. That fella probably have a shitty X'mas day ever. So, don't bring any valuable stuffs with u on that day if u wish to squeeze with sweaty people and countdown. And the most important thing to bring along are all the weapons! - I mean the aerosol snow sprayers! If you got non of those then please don't involve in the countdown event if not u probably will be the victim because they love to aim those innocent-looking people. It's like a rough snow war with no sympathy.  But, if u wish to be humble Santa then just forget about what I advised. x_x

So, Imma start my revision now and wrap the gift for those who wanna exchange gift with me =) and thankiew Jerome Santa and Ivan Santa  for the early Xmas gifts *touched and sniffling right now*  but Jerome Santa warned me not to open the gift before Xmas day. I have to wait his command only I'm allowed to open the gift >.<" Gosh! this is testing my patient man!! I can't even peek the box >.<" *hoping the box fall  from the table and then the gift opened itself* muahahaha! lol.

Erm.. the kitty housing actually is not a X'mas gift... I just want it to be in the pixy because she is in pink >.<"

Share some pixies 
*no time to blog abt the funny day outing with this joyful berry berry strawberry friend* will reblog once i finish my test.

*wow... i got big boobs on this pixy >.<"* lol

loving this too... I look tall but I'm only 148cm >.<" but i'm happy with my size. 

Merry Christmas to all beloved readers! *to those love to read my blog* Those who's being following Anonymously which jealous me or something make them hate me but still wanna peek at my blog but i dunno why, wish u guys have a holly shit Xmas day *like what XiaXue cursed "Hope haters all choke on a turkey bone"*  
 Looking forward on tonight! 

Remember, if Christmas isn't found in your heart, you won't find it under a tree.

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